I am a cellist of Hungarian descent, a descendant from a distinguished family of musicians. I began studying the cello at the age of six and have since dedicated myself to the instrument. Over the years, I have studied with eight different masters and earned my master’s degree from the Fontys Conservatory in Tilburg. I have over 15 years of experience as a cello teacher, instructing both children and adults.

In addition to teaching, my primary focus is performing in various chamber music settings and world music ensembles. Among others, I play with the Escapada tango piano trio, Ikarai ensemble, Mundus Quartet, and Arifa world music groups.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of performing in all the leading Dutch concert halls and have also played in various countries around the world.

My teaching method has matured and crystallized over the years, enabling me to achieve quick and effective results with my students. I manage this without being strict and ensure a relaxed atmosphere during lessons.

The key points of my teaching methods are:

  • Developing a musical ear and rhythm
  • Learning to read music
  • Learning to play together
  • Learning to improvise
  • Developing proper cello technique
  • Most importantly, experiencing the joy of playing the cello and discovering the fun of making music.

Learning to play a musical instrument also teaches you to express complex personal emotions. Such an experience should be accessible to everyone.