Discover the Harmony of Strings with the String Ensemble, a vibrant community of music enthusiasts brought to life in 2020 by the talented violinist and teacher, Gabrielle Butler. Our ensemble is a tapestry of violin and cello students from the Diemen music school and beyond, embracing a wide age range of 4 to 60 years.
At this ensemble, we celebrate the joy of music-making. It’s not just about playing; it’s a journey of collaborative learning, mastering the art of playing by heart, and exploring a diverse array of musical genres suitable for all skill levels. Our ensemble shines during our annual Christmas and grand finale concerts, where the magic of our collective performance captivates all.
We convene weekly on Fridays in room 2.1 at the Omval. For music school students, the annual fee is a modest 140 euros, while non-students contribute 160 euros.
Music school Diemen als has a Junior String Ensemble for the very young. They rehearse at Thursday late afternoon. Click the link for more info.
Discover the Harmony of Strings with the String Ensemble, a vibrant community of music enthusiasts brought to life in 2020 by the talented violinist and teacher, Gabrielle Butler. Our ensemble is a tapestry of violin and cello students from the Diemen music school and beyond, embracing a wide age range of 4 to 60 years.
At this ensemble, we celebrate the joy of music-making. It’s not just about playing; it’s a journey of collaborative learning, mastering the art of playing by heart, and exploring a diverse array of musical genres suitable for all skill levels. Our ensemble shines during our annual Christmas and grand finale concerts, where the magic of our collective performance captivates all.
We convene weekly on Fridays in room 2.1 at the Omval. For music school students, the annual fee is a modest 140 euros, while non-students contribute 160 euros.
Music school Diemen als has a Junior String Ensemble for the very young. They rehearse at Thursday late afternoon. Click the link for more info.