An electric guitar is a guitar that usually does not have a sound box but provides volume through an amplifier with a speaker.

The vibrations of the steel strings are picked up by electromagnetic sensors (elements) consisting of magnets and coils. The disturbances of the magnetic field are converted into electric current that is led from the guitar to an amplifier via an instrument cable. This amplifier ultimately converts the electrical signal into audible sound using a loudspeaker. The shape of the guitar is hardly important for the final sound of the guitar, but all the more for the ease of playing. The less sound from the vibrating string is transferred to the ‘body’ of the guitar, the longer a string can continue to vibrate. This long sustain provides possibilities that an acoustic guitar does not have. The electric guitar often has a vibrato system installed, which allows the player to vibrate the tone of the guitar by alternately lowering and raising the tension in the strings (or vice versa).

Register for the lessons

Trial lessons

The first lesson is always a trial lesson. If it stays that way, the lesson is free. It is also possible to take four paid trial lessons. If it stays that way, the costs are those of four lessons plus €25 administration costs. If the student of the trial lessons continues for the rest of the season, the costs of the trial lessons will be included in the invoice for the tuition fee. You can find more information in our General Terms and Conditions.

Lesson details

Age: from 7 years (younger in consultation)

Lesson duration: 20, 25 or 30 minutes weekly or once every 2 weeks, in consultation with the teacher

Lesson day(s): Wednesday

To buy: To be discussed


Hugo Zuiker

Hugo Zuiker


An electric guitar is a guitar that usually does not have a sound box but provides volume through an amplifier with a speaker.

The vibrations of the steel strings are picked up by electromagnetic sensors (elements) consisting of magnets and coils. The disturbances of the magnetic field are converted into electric current that is led from the guitar to an amplifier via an instrument cable. This amplifier ultimately converts the electrical signal into audible sound using a loudspeaker. The shape of the guitar is hardly important for the final sound of the guitar, but all the more for the ease of playing. The less sound from the vibrating string is transferred to the ‘body’ of the guitar, the longer a string can continue to vibrate. This long sustain provides possibilities that an acoustic guitar does not have. The electric guitar often has a vibrato system installed, which allows the player to vibrate the tone of the guitar by alternately lowering and raising the tension in the strings (or vice versa).

Register for the lessons

Trial lessons

The first lesson is always a trial lesson. If the pupil doesn’t continue with the lessons, this is free of charge. If the pupil continues the lessons, the trial lesson is the first lesson on the invoice.
You can also decide to follow 4 trial lessons. These lessons will be invoiced plus €25 administration costs. If the student continues for the entire season after the 4 trial lessons, the costs of the trial lessons will be included in the (first) invoice for the tuition fee. For more information, please see our rates and general rules and conditions.

Lesson details

Age: from 7 years (younger in consultation)

Lesson duration: 20, 25 or 30 minutes weekly or once every 2 weeks, in consultation with the teacher

Lesson day(s): Wednesday

To buy: To be discussed


Hugo Zuiker

Hugo Zuiker
