One of the important key features from Musicschool Diemen is playing together. Its a highly social activity with lots of laughter during the moments when there is no need to concentrate. And it is also very good for your development as a person. Brain research has shown that in children who make music, the left hemisphere (speech and intellect) and the right hemisphere (emotional state) of the brain become more strongly connected than in non-musical children. This effect occurs because making music has a positive and stimulating effect on the neuronal connections in the brain. The neurons are activated, which means that fewer die and better mutual connections are created.

Rehearsal times ensembles and playing together:
Ask your teacher about the possibilities.

Guitar Ensemble
Monday evening 18:00 room 2.1 de Omval

Yocanto (choir)
Wednesday evening 18:15 room 2.1 de Omval

Junior String Ensemble
Thursday afternoon 17:45 room 1.2 de Omval

String Ensemble
Friday evening 18:00 room 2.1 de Omval

Percussion Ensemble
Saturday afternoon. Due to location currently not possible